Monday, 6 August 2012

Fancy Pants Sketch & 30 DAYS of SKETCH

Hi all,

Leave it to pagemaps to really kick start my creativity!!  I am so lucky to be blessed with another child on the way - due in November!! However, he (yes, its a boy!) really took me off my feet! I am only now getting back into the swing of things.  I've challenged myself to 30 days of sketch (of which this layout is not included because I did it a couple days ago)... beginning tonight I'll do 30 days of paper projects until Sept 4th!! Stay tuned!

In the mean time, here's another gorgeous layout!! I started thinking of using three picture like the sketch shows but the pictures weren't working and in the end... this is what I loved.

You can find the details of this from this link:

And here's my take using MME, Authentique and FancyPants Oct 31 background paper.  As always my papges have American Crafts thickers, as well as coordinating AC buttons in the corner.  Some journalling in the corner to detail the milestones of my 10 mth old (at the time)... By the way, its exceptionally hard to get a picture of your infant's first tooth!!

So, another post to come tonight! Cheers!



  1. What was sweetie he is! I like how you've made the Pagemaps sketch your own. Nicely done.

  2. Oh what a cutie pie! Lovely job with the MME product and I love your title work. Great take on the sketch!
