Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Day 23: A Story about chicken & gravy

Well, its official - they can't recover anything on the ol' computer.

I started this at 11:30pm... TOO LATE. This Mama needs to sleep!!  Don't worry, there will be nap time tomorrow... And Jane promised me that she would sleep in super late.

I grabbed those chicken photos again because they CRACK ME UP. The story is, I brought home Mary Browns (think KFC) for supper one day.  This is not something I do very often because a) I don't like fried chicken very much and b) you can't get a darn thing good for a child to eat there (not that its good for adults).  So, Jane had her supper - which was macaroni salad and a skinned chicken breast.  It wasn't long before Ryan was gone to work and I was with Miss Energy herself.  She booted upstairs to have a dance party in front of the mirror.  This is OK because I can get some laundry done while shes doing this.  You have to understand that she might only be two but she does carry on a conversation.  She told me she was going downstairs to get some water.  And I said OK.  I let her go downstairs as I thought she'd come back up.  Soon, I hear her singing "look at me mommy. I gravy... chicken... dip gravy..."  Upon hearing these words, I ran downstairs to find her half way up the table marching.  Licking her chicken leg, now covered in gravy, as if it were an ice cream.  GROSS.  Again, gravy is not something she is every allowed to have except at family functions when I don't have it in me to argue.. (Did I say that out loud?)  Now when you see things like this... you should probably grab her off the table and scold her.... but I just died laughing this particular time.  I then told her to get off the table, grabbed my camera and off she went upstairs to continue the dance party.  And this is where I took the photos to make sure that Ryan believed it... its truly not hard to tell "like father, like daughter". 

What a time she had with that "gravy on a chicken leg".

I am not sure if this layout is done but I lost my creativity and so shes done for today.  Enjoy.  Point is... you gotta tell the story... that's what it is all about right??
Materials Used: SU crumb cake paper, BG 'notes', BG alphabet stickers, AC thickers, SU spinners, SU 1" circle punch, Mr. Hueys, SU mini brights brads & buttons, and Amy tangerine tag


1 comment:

  1. That's hilarious! I love the title and you are right, it's all about the story :)
