"I drive.
Oh boy, do I drive.
I drive my own kids and every one else’s kids.
From one end of town to the other.
My own schedule is dictated around where I have to drive someone and with who.
Do I have enough carseats? Boosters? Etc.
Often with meals and snacks to be eaten while driving from point A to point B.
I can tell you one thing though. It’s my turn. I am pretty sure my parents did the same.
And when a carpool opportunity comes up, I snag it.
But let’s just say for now...
I am at your service."
This layout was created for the NOVEMBER 2019 SPARK magazine exclusively developed for the online Simple Scrapper community. Within the community we are provided with sketches and journal prompts in order to help inspire members.
Supplies for today's project comes from Ali Edwards, Freckled Fawn, Pink Paislee