Friday, 28 August 2015

Have a Sunny Day | #tgifc18

Welcome Back!
I am lucky enough to be part of a family business and today 
my family and I decided to bring treats around to all of our employees. This particular treat bag is for someone special and is influenced by the TGIFc18 monthly remix, as well as the Kindness Projects.

In the remix challenge, this is back to school and also the colour challenge.  You could even say that its influenced by the sketch challenge with my sun!

Did I mention we are dropping these off to the daycares too?

This stamp set is by far one of my favourites these days.  I've used it for many things as of late. I'll be giving away this set and more when I place my order for the holiday catalog on Wednesday, September 2nd!  Make sure to get your orders in!

Thank you so much for dropping by!

Be sure to go to the TGIF Challenge Blog to play along this week!
Have a fantastic day and thanks for stopping by.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

This is the Life with #witl2015 | Fancy Friday

Welcome back to another Fancy Friday blog hop with some great friends that were united in 2013 as part of the Stampin' Up! Artisan Design Team!
This month's fancy friday blog hop is a colour challenge. 
We'd love for you to play along. 
If you do, just link up to any of our comments so we can check it out!

You are probably not surprised by now that I didn't take this challenge too literally.  If you were following along last week you can see that I was playing with the Week in the Life project (WITL).  So, I've been wanting to incorporate this project into my traditional and current scrapbook album.

But guess what?
The Project Life card collection called This is the Life has those colours!!
I was delighted and started to build my first page for Monday.
You can see my words and photos here.

The first page I just used some paper cut up from the neutrals DSP.  I also used the WITL graphic and digitally added the dates. On the back side as you can see above,  I added some pictures and one of the 4x6 cards, which is Bermuda Bay.

My plan is that for each day of the week, I'll use a page protector front and back.
Here's a look at the other side of my Monday WITL layout. You can see the Cucumber Crush coming into play here!!

See how I cut up a 4x4 card in the centre at top? Then I took out one 2x2 square and replaced it with a photo? You can see the missing card down below.  I feel like it really helps with tying it all together.

It should be clear by now that you really need the "This is the Life" Project Life card collection and accessory kit!!

If you have any questions or need any help with your own memory keeping, please feel free to drop me a line or join my Facebook group at In the Cat Cave.

Now you have to go check out Cindy!


Monday, 24 August 2015

Sunday | #witl2015 words and photos

Good morning Sunday.
Good morning Jane.

She wakes me up at 9:30am.  I am barely alive.

We all are having a tired lazy Sunday morning. Jane and I are in the craft room.

Jane is working on a card for her Uncle Paul, who just turned 53 and I am sorting through photos and working on WITL.

It’s lunch time and there’s so many dishes that you can’t even move.  Still not quite free from my hangover, I figure today is a great day for KD.  Jack couldn’t agree more.  Jane likes hers without cheese and Jack likes it with.  Jane likes ketchup and Jack prefers it without.

We do some bubbles and we finally get dressed but there’s still not much activity.

Its now bath time.  Something Jack has been hating lately but this time we got him in the bath. However, he wouldn’t let us turn off the water.  He also puts every toy he could find in the bath tub whether they are water resistant or not. Its quite painful actually and it’s a daily battle. He made three special trips for his toys this time around and there was no way I was saying no since he was willing to take a bath.

Jane goes across the street for a couple hours and I do some errands. Next thing I know the two boys are asleep on the couch.

Today I walked the dog just before supper but its been so humid, I didn’t quite cool down until bed time. I never know how to dress in days like this. Cotton. I like to wear like cotton with sleeves so that I don’t stick together.

We go to my awesome in-laws for supper for a BBQ. It’s Uncle Paul’s birthday. Again, everyone is feeling the heat.  We are all a hot mess.

These girlies aren’t sharing today. I don’t have the energy to teach the lessons of sharing so I just take it all away.  They tell me they don’t know how to play with toys?!? What?!? It solved the problem and the arguing was short lived.

He loves chocolate milk but we don’t usually have it in our house.  Nana saves the day and he gets two glasses. Lucky duck.

We come home at 8pm and immediately put the kids to bed. We read Steam Train Dream Train and some Sandra Boynton books to Jack. I’ve been reading Jillian Jiggs to Jane. I am in bed and asleep by 9:30pm.

Goodnight Sunday.
Goodnight Week in the Life.


Sunday, 23 August 2015

Saturday | #witl2015 words and photos

 Good morning Saturday.

Today the children woke me up with their baby panda bear wrapped in a blanket.  They were so cute and as always I felt blessed.

Today, like many days as of late, I woke up with hives. Allergy pills, Omega 3s and a vitamin.  I should take all this more often but I don’t.

Today they are excited to go to Marine Park.  Jack is proud of his picture he drew of water and Jane insists on drawing fish on top of the water. Jane draws a lot but Jack doesn't do a lot of that so I am happy with his scribbles.

Today I cleaned the fish tank.  A task that had been on my to do list for quite awhile.  I know that the little betta that Santa brought us is delighted.

Today I sit outside with Tim Hortons coffee that my husband Ryan went out to get. Its very windy today but lovely.

Today he drives. He always does. We go to Marine Park for water, sand and snacks.

Today Jane and I play in the water but it’s freezing cold.  Jack never stepped in for a second.

Today Jane ran and ran and splashed and splashed.

Today I can’t find my other sandal. I leave it on my foot hoping it will be found.

Today we go to watch Daddy play soccer. We have supper at the field. It’s Tim Hortons turkey BLT and kettle chips.

Today she’s learning how to use the zoom.

Today he’s playing with five cars in the bleachers.

Today Uncle Hector comes to watch with us.

Today I have a soccer team party. We talk, eat and have drinks.  Home by 1:30 but not in bed until 3am. Ryan friends were over so I thought I'd hang out. Yelp!

Goodnight Saturday!


Friday | #witl2015 words and photos

Friday’s stories.

Story of this photo | This is my favorite place to sit.  In front of this chair is the fireplace and to my left is the TV area.  This morning Jack perched himself there and I wondered if he liked it as much as I did.

Story of this photo | He hates getting dressed sometimes. Lately he doesn’t like taking on and off his socks, sneakers or hat.  In this photo Ryan is working hard to get his sneakers on to go to The Gingerbread House. Ryan will take him today and then pick up our niece, Emma for a play date with Jane.

Story of this photo |It’s time to go through all the toys.  We are teaching her about her blessings and how she can help the less fortunate. Today we gave Sugar Crisps (her choice) in the food bin at the grocery store and we picked out 5 toys. We are trying to be consistent in this message – you always need to think of others in every decision and always find the time to help others. I think she’s getting it but she tends to come back to “I am lucky because I have a house.” More work to do here.

Story of this photo | Jane gets dressed and checks herself out in the mirror.  As you can tell, she is “something else”.

Story of this photo | Emma arrives and they head straight to the legos. We love legos here.

Story of this photo | It’s a beautiful day so we head to Lester’s Farm to go strawberry picking at the U-Pick.  We must wait for the wagon ride to the strawberry patch. (A great opportunity to go to the port-o-potty, yes?)

Story of this photo | This girl is regularly posing like this and exclaiming “Peace out YouTube!” She is hinting at wanting to make youtube videos..

Story of this photo | We ride the wagon and Emma leads us to sit straight behind the tractor.  I love these girls.

Story of this photo | We pass the cabbage patch.  I always admire patches of vegetables and greenery. You can never have too many pumpkin patches.  Amazing.

Story of this photo | We pick a full bucket.  The girls continue to use the term “I win”.  There’s a lot of competitions and challenges lately.  Note to self to work on teaching “being a better loser than winner” and being gracious.

Story of this photo | A beautiful adventure and both girls are very pleased with their accomplishment today! Aren’t these beautiful?

Story of this photo | My niece Emma.  She doesn’t realize how beautiful she is. Stunning. I tell her every chance I get.

Story of this photo | After ice cream and a couple errands, we arrive home and Ryan has the clothes on the line.  So awesome.

Story of this photo | Lunch is make your own sandwiches. Have we had this everyday this week? With a side of freshly picked strawberries, of course!

Story of this photo | The girls play in the swimming pool until its time for Emma to go and Jane to gymnastics.  There are some fights and time outs required but overall these two and fantastic.

Story of this photo | Another day at gymnastics with Jane. This is her last session of the summer. She is quite pleased with her footwear choice.

Story of this photo | Not a minute from getting home, Jane’s friend is over and playing. We made steak and fries for supper. We add a chair to our four person table to share with her friend.

Story of this photo | Jack is busy building roads. He is very safety conscious and wearing his helmet lately.

Story of this photo | At 8:30pm Jane’s friend leaves for the day. Jane likes to drop her off at home.  The feelings are mutual when Jane is at her house.

Story of this photo | He doesn’t like bedtime.

Goodnight Friday.