Monday, 1 July 2013

Thinking of You

It was 5 years ago today that my husband lost one of his best friends, my best friend lost her brother, and family in law lost their best friend`s son, and I lost a friend.  Neil Bodman`s memory continues to be remembered all year around but in particular on this day we cherish his memory with drinks and a family friendly soccer game. 

These are the cards that are difficult to make because there`s no words.  And I always feel like a simple card is a stronger message.  And so, that`s what it was for one of my most favorite families.
Here are some memories of this year`s event:

Tomorrow there will be the card of the week - I just wanted to take the time for this day. :)


  1. I assume your friend loved this family soccer events. What a beautiful thing to join together and hold and luft each other while you remember him. Beautiful card...I agree simple speaks loud and clear I love you. Blessings I send you. Thinking of you!

  2. This is a wonderful blog post! Love all the pics and love the meaning behind it. Great job memorializing your friend's life!
