Saturday, 14 May 2016

Hello Wednesday. | #witl2016

Wednesday came and went.

But I sat down today to bring together my day. This first sheet is something that Brandi Kincad created and I thought it was neat to include in my Week in the Life project.

the story of today // I couldn’t find my car keys. again.  I dumped out my purse.

the story of today // its still cold but that didn’t stop us from going out in the street to play.  Jane looks so grown up doing tricks on her scooter and giving me the peace sign.

the story of today // we picked up Jane early from daycare and took her to Costco.  There was no extra room in Mom’s little car. Jane got too many treats but how can I say no all the time?

the story of today // dishes. dishes. and more dishes.  I try to go to bed with the kitchen clean.  I succeed only 50% of the time.

the story of today // The kids love “veggie tray” for supper. Every trip to Costco, I get a veggie tray and that’s what they go for.  For that, I am grateful.

the story of today // Rooney the dog has always been a “dainty” dog. She will not push open doors or jump over things.  Today we didn’t open the door long enough and she just stared at us until we pulled the patrio door all the way across.

the story of today // Jack took some crackers without asking. He got a bowl and put them in. (He doesn’t like to eat out of bags, etc) But we found the evidence in his bed... just too late.

the story of today // Ryan brings me a 9pm cafe latte.  Just what the doctor ordered.

Again, these are purely in digital form for now.  It's undecided whether or not I'll have a hybridd component. 

Below shows two pages at 3x8" each.  I put them side by side for blogging and printing purposes.

Until tomorrow! Happy documenting!

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