Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Artisan Wednesday Wow: Kids Art Canvas

My daughter Jane is three and besides for tucking her babies into bed (often in her brother`s crib), her favorite thing to do is draw... and paint.. and stamp.. “in her office”… where she is “too busy”.

And that means there’s a lot of marker caps all over the house…

… I mean…

Art. There’s lots of true “art” around the house.

Lots of pictures of scribbles or blobs. But I love those blobs and even though I can’t and don’t keep them all, I like to put them on display.  I had a large cork board that I was putting all the artwork on (wanna see? check out below).  But it was covering all the pictures that we get.

Anyway, it was out of control.  So, guess what? I created something new.
This is four 6x6 canvases with some clothespins hot glued on to the bottom.  First make sure your canvas is primed. If it’s not, apply one layer of gesso before you begin. I used the Build-a-Banner stencils for the background. To achieve this look, it’s super easy. I heart super easy! Simply add drops of re-inker in your mister along with some rubbing alcohol.  My big tip is that you will get some pools of ink on and off the canvas. Carefully remove the stencil off the canvas then roll a paper towel roll. Yes, the whole roll. No, do not dab one piece.  Roll that sucker on your canvas like you are rolling dough.  It will remove the droplets.  If you want it to be darker simply put the stencil back on and mist again.
My canvases with the solid background is gesso + drops of re-inker.  Keep adding drops of re-inker until you have the color you want. Still confused? See my post here.

To adher the paper, I didn’t use mod podge or a matte medium because I wasn’t looking for a glossy look but rather a “tidy yet raw” look to go along with Jane’s art.

Don’t forget that you can also use those letter stencils anywhere and everywhere. Enjoy!

Keep hopping along, I am in awe of Cindy’s mad talent so don’t miss out!

The Board

Jane`s Room is the Cutest... here`s some reasons why!


  1. Such a fun idea, and how CUTE it is! Perfect for her cute girlie room! I need to copy and make for my Gage's "art". I'll have to find something to use in lieu of the butterflies of course! :)

    1. Sure sounds like you need turtles and trucks and bulldozers!! LOL!

  2. This is so sweet and so perfect! My four year old has a TON of pictures for me lately. I need to do this! thanks for the inspiration!

    1. yeah - Jane gives me like a dozen at a time of a little dot. hahaha And calls it a hockey stick or princess. The pictures are a little better form day care... I guess they don`t give them the whole book of paper. :) I love it though!!! And who am I kidding, we craft together all the time!

  3. oooh, another, 'I must case this' idea! YOU, my friend are fabulously talented! Love it!

    1. Ohhhh thanks Alanna!! This is an easy and simple one!!

  4. Jane is one very blessed little girl! She sounds as amazing as her mother! This is a fantastic way to showcase your little artist's work along with some of your own! Love the idea about the paper towel roll...I will have to remember that one!

  5. This is a brilliant, brilliant idea! I love it.

  6. I love that I share the same name as your daughter so every time you create something cute with her name, I feel like it's for me. So, THANKS!

  7. So so cute! May have to make my girls a little art gallery like Janes!

  8. I LOVE your canvases - super cute! Your creativity is amazing! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Aren`t you sweet Kim!! Thanks a lot for dropping by!

  9. Did you use DSP on top of the canvas?

    1. Hey Donna!! I didn`t explain that very well! LOL! The first layer on the canvas is the misters with the stencil from the Build-a-Banner OR paint (gesso + re-inker). The next layer is a piece of white cardstock and then a piece of the DSP (with the letter stencils on it). Does that help?

  10. The canvases are great!! You are one creative lady!!

  11. Too, too cute! Love what you did with the stencils. Now my brain is in overdrive with project ideas!

  12. Love this idea! I have 4 girls producing "something I made for you mamma" sometimes repeatedly in the day so to hang them up in my studio would be fab and would let them see how important their work is to me :)

    1. Ohhhhhh that would be so nice. Thanks for dropping by!

  13. Love this idea! I have 4 girls producing "something I made for you mamma" sometimes repeatedly in the day so to hang them up in my studio would be fab and would let them see how important their work is to me :)

  14. Love this idea! I have 4 girls producing "something I made for you mamma" sometimes repeatedly in the day so to hang them up in my studio would be fab and would let them see how important their work is to me :)

  15. SO FUN! Thinking each of my boys might get something like this soon with their initial - thanks for the great idea

  16. So smart!!! This goes right into my "I want this in my new craft room" file (otherwise known as Pinterest!).
