Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Winning Artisan DT Projects: Day 8

"Another Day, another dolla'"

Well, sort of. It's Regatta Day here in Newfoundland, Canada. Yip. Big deal here, that is. It's the 195th Royal... something or another... regatta.  A day at the races. And we get a holiday. Not paid. 
(Get it? Huh? I know you don't all get it.) 
Couldn't be prouder, I couldn't.  
So I took the family to the park. Not the races.  "Ain't nobody got time fo 'dat".. the crowds, I mean.  Not with two kids.  See picture below.

OK, OK.  Here's the card.
I call this inside out.  Some of you are SCARED to use patterned paper in and out.  Fear not my friends.  It will only bring joy.  I also used negative space.  And literally just kept using scraps.  I like to use my scraps from my scrapbook pages or recent cards, pile 'em up and make something out of them.  Can't waste "a sliver".  This is like a "leftovers card" or "scraps card".

Yes, Mr. Cathy Caines. I said 'sliver' for the world to see.
(getting myself in trouble again. Sorry. Mr. Ryan Caines.  There's no Mr. Cathy Caines. Right? Right.)

Oh, and I seriously love the mini heart in the owl punch.  If that punch ever retires I may also have to retire.

If you wanna win this stamp set - there's still time! I am gonna extend until the 12th!! (Monday) You all come back after the weekend and procrastinate on the blogs, admit it!!

1. Be a follower of this blog and my facebook page. If you already are, just let me know. If you are new, tell me how you are following.
2. Leave a comment on my blog... For every comment that you make on any of the ten days on my blog, you get an entry.  (max of ten)
3. For every post shared from my facebook page you will receive one entry. (max of ten)to 
3. Cross your fingers and hope for the best because on August 12th, I'll announce a random winner!

Don't forget to check out my new product shares and demonstrator samples!

Here's the Royal Regatta Day crowds...

I am right, aren't I?



  1. Another gorgeous card! - Rexene

  2. I love your inside and out card! Happy Regatta Day! Hope you had fun with your family.

  3. Darn it! You've found me and my multi-comment procrastination scheme out.
    I LOVE scraps too, Mr. Rhea Skomorowski (haha) also has issue with the slivers of scrap papers I keep.

    Fantastic card!

    I too stay away from Regatta crowds, but the day off is only for Townies! LOL

  4. We went to the regatta when we lived in there. Once. The crowds were a bit much as we had 2 small kids as well. Took the bus down and a cab back. Nuff said. I'm afraid of cards! Not just patterns lol.

  5. Awesome card. The design is so pretty! love it!

  6. as if your projects aren't enough satisfaction in coming here, your humour gives me twice as much reason to stop by every day! Love the card Cathy!

  7. I like to keep my scraps too. This is such a cute, clever, fun card!

  8. I like your use of circles! Cute card!-Brenda

  9. Wow, Swiss cheese paper laid over a solid piece of paper. Cool effect, eh??

  10. What the heck? my comment disappeared. It said, Love that DSP and I never know what to do with scraps. Thanks for the awesome idea! :) Aurora (catching up on the blogs) I am a follower...

  11. oh so pretty! I love using scraps for cards. And that teeny heart is soooo sweet!
