Sunday, 4 August 2013

Winning Artisan Design Team Projects: Day 5

I think its time for a 3D project.  This was the last project I made.  I had a completely other plan before I started in on this one.  I forget what I had planned for my 3D project but when I came across some chipboard amongst my paper, a new plan grew.

This bird house is made some scratch using the chipboard paper that is included in the glimmer paper.  I cut this to size (I forget the size now!). I then used my tombeau glue to adher the patterned paper to each piece.  Everything was sanded and properly distressed each edge.  Then I applied more chipboard to the roof.  

Now we've got a little house to decorate!
I simply cut more patterned paper for the roof, scored it in the middle and used my border punch for the edges. I again distressed it but I also used my fingers to curl it.  Remember that paper has memory so you can get a lot of curl out of  it!!

Cute, huh?

Don't forget about the blog candy!

This card was meant to be...YIPPEE... made for a giveaway.... That's right, if you want the brand new SUPER AWESOME COOL Yippee-Skippee stamp set then all you have to do is the following:

1. Be a follower of this blog and my facebook page. If you already are, just let me know. If you are new, tell me how you are following.
2. Leave a comment on my blog... For every comment that you make on any of the ten days on my blog, you get an entry.  (max of ten)
3. For every post shared from my facebook page you will receive one entry. (max of ten)
3. Cross your fingers and hope for the best because on August 11th, I'll announce a random winner!

By the way, see at the top of Connie's day 5... more blog candy there!

Keep hopping to see all the amazing projects!!  Cindy is up next!

Don't forget to check out my new product shares and demonstrator samples!

See you tomorrow for Day 6!!!


  1. Yes, super cute! .. and I love all of your little details and how you write! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Another stunning project!


  3. Very, very lovely! Turned out great!

  4. I love your little banner on top! -Brenda

  5. I am now following on both your blog and on Facebook!! I love your birdhouse!! I can imagine all of the little paper birdies fighting over who gets to live there!! Thank you so very, very much for the inspiration!!

  6. Love all the little details you added! Great job!

  7. Just gorgeous, just like everything you do!! Love the banner. I already follow your blog and FB :)

  8. Oh my is this amazing??!!! Such a beautiful creation!

  9. Love this awesome Bird House !! And you even used some Butterflies !! Proud of ya !! LOL

  10. aw, I commented and it didn't work. I even used the word schmancy in it, alas...

    fantastic little bird house! my fave is the circle 'garland' above the door.

  11. Gorgeous as always. I know I'm a fan on fb but gotta double check the blog ;)

  12. That's got Artisan written all over it :) Aurora (catching up on the blogs) I am a follower...
