Tuesday, 26 May 2015

around here | may 2015

Not pictured above: potty that found its way outside (parenting101)

Ali Edwards uses her blog as a place holder for her stories. Brilliant.

[Eating] strawberries by the bucket loads. jack is loving cereal but creates large milk puddles. jane won't drink milk. we are eating all of our meals at the table. jack is still standing on his chair half the time. we negotiate with jane to eat her supper. kid favourites are still spaghetti. mom is eating too much candy. dad is off red meat. pork chops and chicken on the BBQ.

pic above: a touton (fried dough) with bologna, egg and cheese

[Doing] soccer season has begun but the wind has also arrived. enjoying the sun. attending birthday parties. playing with kinetic sand.  going through the kids clothes and gutting the closets. fundraising challenge cup soccer. cleaning the fish tank. creating stampin' up projects for the new catalog. we are on again off again potty training jack. wearing sweaters.

pic above: inviting LavRock chairs where I spent a weekend scrapbooking

[Saying] the big story is jack has finally begun talking. he makes more sense and he repeating what we say. he likes to return items to whomever owns them. jack used to be a "no" man but he's finally saying "yes" with enthusiasm.

Christmas Project Life (TM) sneak

[Feeling] re-energized. relief. "good to be alive" at the sight of the sun. excited to spend more time outside. lucky.

Isn't this the picture of "re-energize"?

Boom. Bed Time.

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