Thursday, 14 January 2016

2016 album cover | Simple Scrapper's Refresh

My daughter and I were in my craft room.
Jane is 5 and wants to be a traveller, a gymnast, a builder and a drawing teacher when she grows up.
I asked her to take a picture of me right now.
And so she did.

I've been having a tough time getting back into the swing of things.

Simple Scrapper's seasonal Refresh course fell on my lap and I decided to take a couple swings.  Gosh, it's nice when you feel inspired.

Using inspiration from Jennifer Wilson's Refresh course, I created my intro page to my 2016 album.  This year, I am going with a 8.5x11" album so this page protector from Stampin' Up! was cut down by an inch. Yes, this means I have to re-do the holes as well.

Like Ali Edwards, Jennifer encouraged students to document your reason why.  And so I did.

Scrapbooking for me is more than just a hobby. It’s more than just glueing pictures on a page.  I have a reason why.  I have many reasons why.  It simply fills me up.  The finished product is one thing. I smile and sometimes cry when I look at my albums. I am often reminded at how cherished these books will be someday if something tragic would ever happen to me or my loved ones.  I am reminded how special my handwriting will be to my children.  I am reminded the pages are special when I see the way my children’s faces light up as they flip through the albums. 

 The pages document our lives.  They document our joys and our sorrows. They document our accomplishments and failures.  They document our blessings but also our hopes and dreams for the future.

It’s not just the finished pages.  It’s the creation of those pages.  I find inspiration in the photos, the words and the product. If  I had an extra hour in a day just for me, I’d be here. I’d be at my white table surrounded by pretty things. It’s like therapy - Words and photos on pages. Perhaps its working through emotions and certainly is an exercise of reflection.

Scrapbooking and memory keeping fills me up. To be a good mom, lover and friend - I need to be filled up. Scrapbooking for me is more than just a hobby. That's for sure.

And while I finished up "my reason why", my daughter finished up her drawing - showcasing a "frame" with colour coordinating enamel dots.  She's special.  

Until next time.


  1. She truly is, that girl. You both are :)
    It's not a hobby, it's a way of life.

  2. Cannot tell you how much I love you, this was wonderful, thank you for putting it into words.

    1. Thanks Miss Kym - I am sure you feel very similar!

  3. Well I know how special all the books I have done really are,why?, because I lost my dad he was my right arm my soul my friend and my conscious. I loved him tried to save him cared for me but in the end it was me that whispered into his ear that it was time to go and it is ok. He had worked enough it was time to go home. I reassured him I would pick up the pieces be strong do what he wanted of me. I did. But. At the funeral home after my entire family pulled me out of the casket and sat me down there in front of me was two scrapbook albums I had done over the course of an entire year documenting their life our life I had finished it 11 years prior to his death I picked it up I laughed cried and broke down but that is why it was the only measure of comfort I had in that particular moment. While I used to paint I haven't been able to pick up that brush since he passed two reasons I was in the middle of the lighthouse at Peggy coves for his birthday when he did. The second he was my biggest fan and that was us. So that is why I do this. The peace of knowing someday when it's my turn my kids will have the same opportunity to laugh and cry at the great memories laid out before them. Hugs

    1. Thanks so much for the story Lynette! You are so right - our hobby is more than just us. I really appreciate the message! :) Sorry to hear about your Dad but I am so glad you have those memories, as well.
