Thursday, 18 December 2014

Simple Clay Tags-o-naments (yes? yes. sounds good) | Fancy Friday Blog Hop

Holy Cow.
I've got to get cracking and get wrapping.

But I still have to be a parent.  And not just any parent.  A good parent.  One that plays with their kids... play doh.  All day. Every day.
And that's when it hit me.
I grabbed the Stampin' Up! clay, as well as the play doh mold.
Yup. I did. Not kidding.
 (good parent?)

I grabbed my stamp set and did a test.

Then turned it over and stamped the date on the back.  Finally using a straw made a hole.

Wow. That was easy. Here's all you need!

You've got a tag and a Christmas ornament!

Hop along to see what's next!
Here's Cindy!

PS. There's still time to join up for my Project Life by Mail PDF kit for January!!! 
Click below for all the details!


  1. You get a gold star...these are adorable!

  2. How clever! I just finished off my tags for this year but I am totally using this item for next year.

  3. Cute & simple--plus a great way to spend time with the kids too. :D Thanks for sharing!
