Thursday, 14 December 2017

Until We Meet Again 2017 | Stampin' Up! Artisan Design Team Blog Hop

Like many things, as another year draws to a close so does the 2017 Stampin' Up! Artisan Design Team. This team has helped me grow in many ways. I have been inspired outside my comfort zone - Heck, I've never used an embossing folder so much in my life! I have developed true relationships and friendships with these 19 beautiful Artisans from around the globe and along with them, all their friends...

.. yeah, yeah.. 
.. no really. I have so many more friends!

I think I could count the number of Stampin' Up! demonstrators from outside North America that I knew prior to 2017. However, now I feel like I could travel anywhere and feel comfortable enough to say "Hey! I am coming. Can I stay with you?"

And I do like to fly off my island.

While I have many things to say to each member of this team privately, as a group I'd like to remind them that this isn't goodbye but instead...

... "until we meet again. See you in the blogosphere, Insta, Facebook and everything else."

Today's project focuses on the Merry Cafe stamp set and co-ordinating Coffee Cups Framelit Dies. This bundle was a must buy for me as coffee in paper cups triggers memories of happiness for me. I love waking up to a steaming hot cup of coffee (black please) and waiting for the sun to rise... typically before my family of wild banshees charges down the stairs yelling for yogurt drinks and smoothies.

Coffee in paper cups reminds me of the holiday seasons and conversations with friends.  It reminds me of travel and trips. It reminds me of watching curling on TV or the World Junior Hockey Championships.  It reminds me of Christmas parades and working long nights... and on and on.

So for me, this bundle is perfect for anyone who smiles when someone hands you that cup...
Dare I say...
...Yes, I will.
... "Hands you a cup of Christmas Cheer."

While saying goodbye to my 2017 team is very hard, I am very excited to tell you that I will be continuing on with the 2018 Stampin' Up! Artisan Design Team.  It gives me great joy to introduce you to each of them - most of whom are not strangers. They will be sure to inspire you in more ways than I can imagine.  So please open your hearts to these talented ladies!

United States
Connie Collins (returning)
Cathy Caines (returning)
United Kingdom
Sylwia Schreck (returning)
Jessica Winter (returning)
New Zealand
Susan Wong (returning)
Jennifer Frost (returning)

I can't wait to show you the amazing talent of the 2018 Stampin' Up! Artisan Design Team.
In the mean time, have an amazing holiday season from my family to yours.
Next up is my Beautiful (and probably cold) friend, Dani.
Love, Cathy

Cathy Caines (YOU ARE HERE)
Tanya Boser

Products used in my projects today includes the following:


  1. The Card is so beautiful and the photo is super cool!
    I am very happy that you are also in ADT 2018!
    Greeting & kisses

  2. You are amazing, incredibly funny, not to mention that insane crafting talent you have! I have loved every minute getting to know you Cathy. There is always a bed at my house for you ♥

  3. Such a gorgeous card! I just love those stitched shapes. Can’t wait to get to know you better and work with you over the coming year - how exciting!! xx

  4. Cute Card! Congratulations on making the 2018 Artisan Team!

  5. Haha! Love that last picture of you and your family! Thank you for working together the past year.
