Monday, 21 December 2015

My Friends are part of MY STORY | A DIY Christmas

Here we are.  My besties. A photograph from last night. Pictured with our DIY Christmas Gift Exchange.  A group of girls whom I love dearly.

I turned 34 a week ago. Many things can cause one to reflect. Lately I've been counting my blessings.  Every. Single. One. As I looked through the photos in creating a small scrapbook for my project, I saw happiness. Happiness. Yes, folks.  I saw years and years of moments... and ridiculous hairstyles.  And these girls are a constant.  These days it's hard to get together on a regular basis but we try really hard on birthdays and Christmas.  I want them to understand that I cherish them deep in my bones. Thank you for being YOU and making me feel like I can be ME.

Unfortunately I didn't take a picture of my project.  But I created a story for them foreshadowing our annual get together by changing the name of "Twas the Night Before Christmas. (That's a long story) Although you won't understand all the jokes or even any of the jokes, you'll understand the message.   Below are some of the pictures I used in my 4x4 scrapbook, as well as the story.  

My friends are part of MY STORY and is a part of who I am today.

They look pretty awesome, don't they?
And yes.  Halloween was a pretty important day.


‘Twas The Night Before Christmas: Girlfriend Rendition

Twas five nights
Before Christmas
When us girls got together
Miraculously we all made it
Despite rotten weather.

With some treats and a drink
It’s a tradition each year
In hopes
That Elise Jerrett
Soon would be there

Nicole Moores would host
With her best Pinterest spread
While visions of concerts
Danced in her head.

Tara in her leopard print
And I with my wine
Had just settled down

On the couch for a time

When out on the lawn
There arose such a clatter
We sprang from the couch
To see what was the matter

We looked out the window
To see a red flash

Like a solid jogging suit
With a white cotton sash

A pointed santa hat

Was found in the snow

We looked at
each other

and the object below

When what
To our wandering eyes
Should appear
But an Elf on the Shelf
With a case of beer

Wearing black high heel boots
She staggered and fell
I knew it was Jones
When she began to yell

She stared at us and cursed
For drinking before her
She stumbled
And shouted
And called
Us rude names
Now Bodman
Now Dumar
Now Wooddawg
Now Moores
On Dexter
All you evil
W%&ores. (sorry it rhymed)

She made it
to the porch
And then banged
into the wall
Now run-away
run-away all

We got
Her some whisky
And sat
her down.
It’s time to
Start, we’ll
Have another round.

And then
In a twinkling
I heard from the street
It was Tara
With Chris
A treat.

As I drew in my head
Elise was turning ‘round
She couldn’t decide.
She mumbled.
Then out came a sound.

“Maybe chips.
No. Candies.
No. Ice cream
Or Nachos.”
She didn’t know.
She could not decide.
What should she choose?

Then Aoife ran from
The kitchen.
Let’s play a game.
Let the
Competition begin
So I can have my
claim to fame.

Her eyes.
How they twinkled.
That elf
was merry.
Her cheeks
Were like roses
Her drink
She did carry.

Bring it on Miss Jones
There’s nothing I don’t know.
Let’s play this game
I’ll crumple you up like a bow.

You are all going down
But not without a fight.
That Aoife, a gamer.
Nicole, who loves
A good trivia night.

And all this while, Tara
Watched from her seat.
She stood up and laughed.
with a bowl full of sweets.

She told us we are lucky
To be such good friends.
It’s Christmas. Let’s be jolly.
Let’s just make amends.

“It is now a new year
We have nothing to lose.
Let’s find more time
To eat out or to booze.”

Then she began to dictate
Her many many
After seven.
Before twelve.
And no runny stools.

She laid a finger
On her once broken nose.
She giggled.
We agreed.
And unwrapped the gift we chose.

We sprang
From the couch.
For we heard
A Noise outside.
We watched
Out the window
Like children
A red sleigh ride.

We heard him exclaim
As he drove out of sight
Happy christmas to all
And to all a goodnight

1 comment:

  1. Hey people! If some of you need help with essya or hoemwrok you can ask this guys for help! They really know personal statement writers for residency how to do it and yu will be so happ yabout it! Dont wait for somethig adn go! Enjoy!
