Saturday, 23 February 2013


I just posted this to some friends online and I thought I should post to my bloggers as well.

Just a little something that works for me... 

Thought I would pass along... Are you ever stuck for words for a picture? especially if its so special to you? Perhaps you can't get the right title... I call myself an emotional scrapper. In other words, I HATE doing themed pages. It feels like an obligation... I scrap the emotions with the pictures. And sometimes how I felt or feel doesn't come as naturally as I want it to. When I feel creatively stuck I play music. Maybe most of you do it anyways... but tv doesn't do it... its Adele, Coldplay, Phillip Phillips, Lumineers, Mumford and Sons, etc... list goes on. It can be anything.

Bottom line... want to scrap something emotional? Play some music.


1 comment:

  1. music is wonderful for finding titles of layouts too!
